Government & Community Consultation

To communicate is key.

Whether it’s your next door neighbour or a government department, communication is key to your approval.

  • Government liaison

    Consultation with Government personnel is often critically linked to project approval timeframes, no matter the scale of the project. BJS Planning brings a depth of experience and approach in liaison with government departments and personnel at the local, State and Federal levels that is proactive and positive in terms of approval timeframes.

  • Stakeholder engagement

    BJS Planning has extensive experience in all forms of stakeholder engagement. This ranges to consulting with neighbours for small-scale residential, commercial or industrial projects, to much broader consultation for larger-scale projects. Brad has managed large-scale consultation programs for major, private and government sector projects over the past 25 years.

  • Political involvement

    Many projects, no matter their size, often require elected representatives to be part of the decision-making process. Brad has over 25 years of experience in liaising with elected representatives, from ALL levels of government, and is able to assist with any scale project.